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June Poems
Ravenstone Nights

A month inspired by warm nights and Weddings

Dragon Dreaming


Steady, climb, watch the footing.

Landslide of pebbles, marble-slick.

Forward, slowly, up    and    up.

Steadily nearer   the missing tooth.


Harsh breath breaks on harsher cliff.

Knuckles gloved, but bloody still.

Tissue scraped, both skin and skinned,

Grisly blend, animal   flesh   human   leather.


Stiff-legged step, another, still one   short.

Gilled gasping in the oxygen-empty air.

Sun-warmed ledge of mortal solidity.

Daylight dawns in angled staves.


Peering into night, deep, dim decline.

Scuffle forward, halt, breath hushed.

Eyes adjust, then forward, down   and   down.

Sudden halt before certain doom.


Green-black pile, sated,   still   death.

Motionless shudder, ice-toed, hammer-hearted.

Eyes slit, vivid white on mossy green.

Used-brown red on yellow toothed grin.


Gold-tinged talons clutch a matching horde.

Hand out-thrust, tremor checked, backward, slowly.

Prickly cold on finger-tips, soundlessly swallow.

Withdraw quickly intaking forgotten breath.


Backward blindly up and up, down and down.

Unsettled dreamer twitches, shifts and moans,

Wakes to the drowsy comfort of an accustomed bed.

Murky half-light enters, dispelling dragon dreams.


For Two


Once light and energy danced as one

whirling about the chaotic circle of life


then quietly sweetly there entered another

and then there were two

shyly watching entranced

in rapture at the other's glow

_arms intertwine

light becomes peace and for two

become one

in the circle of life

the peace is passed and it grows

becoming the spiral dance of love

a love of time

a love of eternity

for two....

 For Adobe H and Tristan Hobbes








Kitty Kitty in the air,

Kitty Kitty in my hair,

Kitty Kitty Everywhere!






Bunny Bunny is Running,

Bunny Bunny is so cunning,

Bunny Bunny is So Funny!







In life, please remember that only by letting go, do you truly gain anything.  Love isn't about holding tight, it's about being free.  Nothing worth having is easy.

                    Hito & Emilyn Tetsuoto - March 16, 2003




*This is not a test*


This is not a test

we know your internal systems shut down

we see your heart beat fluctuate

we're here to assure you this is not a test

this is real

the sirens you hear are your screams

this will continue for a long time

this is not a test

this is what your life is right now

where do you measure up?

How much before you break?

This is not a test....

but you will pass or fail

where will you be?

when the test stops.


@~>~  ~LdyCalliope~







Measured Destiny


Humming wires of electric joy

forming images of early toys

of times remember and places lost

with perfect clarity



The beginnings lost, without accord

the end mistaken and pressed to need

of troubled minds unforgiven

and those that never were replaced



For there is no need,

no chance

to measure the future lost



......Tristan Hobbes






Love is a feeling

Love is a a wonderous thing

i sometimes lie in bed and wonder is he the right one for me

i think what if i fall in love

i think what if i fall in love with her maybe him

what if i fall in love with one of me

i feel free to fall in love it is a wonderous thing

but most of all i fall in love because

i love you and you love me

                    ~~ supercute




like a fine violin producing the sweet notes

so pleasing to the ear

the smile so joyfully displayed

so proud of the accomplishment

head sways back and forth to the music

each note the finest wine drunk by thirsty ears

yet the pain is agony

every brush of the instrument plays my soul

pulling me apart

the sweet notes are the agony

the torture ripping my heart apart

blindfolded, the ground disappears from under me

dropping me straight into the abyss

the realization that I've been played

turns my eden into hell

the once beautiful trees

hissing snakes

the placid pond

quagmire of desolation

the soft lights

burn with their intense glare

the music plays on....







Poems and other writings collected from TSO players in the city of Interhogan at Ravenstone Nights home of Adobe and Tristan Hobbes.  The works are not to be republished or used in any way.  They are collected here for all to enjoy and read.  Thank you!