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April Poems
Ravenstone Nights

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On This Day
On this day you were born, much too soon, they said
One was thriving, one was struggling, my heart was breaking in two.
They did their best to keep you in, but all the medications didn't help.
I'm sorry, they said, there is nothing we can do.
First, Arianna was born, her healthy screams filled the room.
As the tears start to flow, off they rush you, just to be sure, to the NICU
Not a single glance was given to me. I didn't know what you looked like.
Twelve minutes later, Cameron came.  This time silence filled the room.
More tears came, this time in fear, "Oh, my god, he is blue!" They said,
"Everything will be fine, honey." as they ran even faster with him.
I told your daddy to follow you and keep you by his side.  I prayed to the goddess for your health.  Praying you'd survive.  Sometime later your dad came back a solemn smile on his face.  They brought you to me, daughter,
my healty little girl.  Your brother is in trouble, only you will come home with me.    
It's time for me to go see your brother to make sure all is well.  Hello, Cameron, this is Mommy, finally we get to meet.  It's been a long night for both of us.  I'm glad your're still with me.  I want to touch & hold you close but the doctor says I cannot.  Don't be afraid, Mommy is here. I wish you could come home with me.  I love you Cameron, please hang on and fight with all your might.  Mommy will visit every night.            .......BeezyBeez       (Arianna & Cameron born Dec 30, 1999@34 weeks--the twins are doing well today!)
Childern are like Kites
You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.  You run with them until you are both breathless, they crash, you add a longer tail.  They hit the rooftop, you patch and comfort and teach.  You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they will fly.  Finally, they are airborne but they need more string and you keep letting it out and with each twist of the twine, there is a sadness that goes with the joy because the kite becomes more distant and somehow you know that it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soar--free and alone.           ~~submitted by KaityK
The Moon awakes
from her sleep.
She is waiting.
A lover's waltz
Now, she hears
And you are dancing.
Hands are cold
But, warm lips say
"I am never forgetting."
Her love's fragrance
She leaves
Without regretting,
On your sheets
Where the moon
Has been sweating.
         ~~Adobe H
The Accident  '01
Getting myself ready
Keeping mind & body steady
Inside toxicated
Could have been slated
Start out, driving slow
Put myself behind the wheel
foot on gas, ready to peel
Car seems fast, not knowing this will be past
Crash destroying my ride, no place to hide
Remove myself to walk around
Edge of the road, hit the ground
Officer sends for an ambulance
Body limp across the fence
Angels appear from above
Put me inside to show their love
Riding away with flashing lights
Siren blarring before my sights
(copyrighted 2003 in memory of 2/2/02 car accident)

Shadow Heart
Your smile pierces the stone cold darkness
 that has long been a part of me
The light in your eyes has dispersed
the loneliness in my heart and set me free.
I've been burned, very badly, in the past
It's left my heart kind of hollow
This time, though, I'll take it slow,
Where you lead, I'll cautiously follow.
It starts when the bells begin their chimes
Sometimes they go a couple of times,
Then in a flash the connection complete
Pleasant exchanges to each other we treat.
Our voice is carried for many great miles
Just so we can catch up for awhile.
We inform on our progress both old & new.
We unlod our sadness & share happiness too.
What a marvel technology
Can to us truly bring
How small the world became for us
With but a single ring!
......DorisD    3/14/03
My First Visitor
That day of my new abode,
I saw my first guest. 
Inviting them in with kindness and love,
Unsure what to say next. 
Hearing they were my new neighbor,
They welcomed me
 into the community too. 
After awhile we became friends
 then I knew
That was the beginning..but,
not knowing it was also the end.
I Am a Fool
I am a fool
Like he or she
Now, I am a prisoner
Of what will be
On This Blue Couch
On this blue couch, I spend my time
Wondering if I'll make a dime.
I work so hard at gnome camp
So I can buy a tiny lamp.
I was alone when I came here,
Reading Mech and drinking beer.
Another gnomer came along
And taught me how to sing a song.
I'm so happy I could pee
So please my friends don't tickle me.
On this blue couch, I spend my time
Cuddling the girl who will be mine.
                  ~~Lord Byron
A Valentine
A fleeting moment lightly touched,
Reveals a lover's smile.
The instant marked but left to heart,
A past that's never gone!
                   ~~Tristan Hobbes

What Online Friends!
I haven't ever met you, but
I know you are really there.
You are a reality
You aren't just words on a screen.
           You console me when I am sad
            And listen, even when I am mad
You hug me close to you
You are always there for comfort
Or a simple word of cheer
'Though you are the other side of a monitor
I always have you near.
You are my online friends
I hold each one of you dear.
             Always there for me
             Know that I am always here.

Poems and other writings collected from TSO players in the city of Interhogan at Ravenstone Nights home of Adobe and Tristan Hobbes.  The works are not to be republished or used in any way.  They are collected here for all to enjoy and read.  Thank you!

If you are a sim citizen of Interhogan we welcome you to join us in filling the garden at Ravenstone Nights with inspiring thoughts. The poetry events happen each 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.