One day I heard a rumor
That my favorite game was coming online
With chat and sims from around the nation
My mind was whirling with the possibilities
I could be someone else
I could be me
I wanted, I waited, and all I saw was coming soon
Then I heard the words that would bring me doom
Beta testing now available
I rushed off to apply
Crossing fingers that I might get in
The day came that my, yes, my beta CD arrived
I ran to my computer and installed
To find that my PC was crud
Oh now what to do?
I sat and whined to my significant other
My sims is to slow and I cannot play
But he decided to make my day
He said use my computer my dear
I ran to the basement indeed
Cold and musky down there it was
I bundled up in the blanket fuzz
Popped in the CD I did
Clicked install and off it went
Pop in disk two it said
Happily I did
Ah finally complete!
There it is The Sims Online
On my screen
I choose to create a sim
Click a city where to live
Not much is open that I see
I choose Test Center
So that I can test
Now for the fun part you see
Is who do I want to be
I scroll through the heads
And then I scroll through the outfits
I pick one out of each
Now for a name
I sit back to think
Do I want my sim to be me?
That'll never do
How can I be someone else
Playing me?
So I sit and think
And finally choose Dusty
Then I click on create
The worst thing happens
I stare in shock
How could this be?
I try again
Still the same thing
I frantically run to the help sections
I cannot create a sim!
Oh someone please help.
I run back upstairs
Confess my woes to my guy
He pops downstairs to see
What the fuss is about
He does some things
And OMG Im now an official sim!
I sit in the chair in awe
There I am
High up in the sky
Looking at a city so grand
Now let me assure you
This is not where the story ends
Yet where it begins......--Beckers